The second day of the Festival on Monday July 15 featured two main events : soccer and evening entertainment by the Yekombo from Doungou village.

As for soccer , the first match between RENAISSANCE from Ngomessan and JERED from Emanemvam kicked off at 10am. After a hard-fought game, JERED finally won one goal to nil. This first match was followed by 7 others. Among these, the duel between NKO’OVOS’ and NKOLETETETO’s was particularly noteworthy. The rest of the day’s results were as follows : ROCHER DE YEM 0 KPWATOLO de MEKAMEVOM 0. TIKARI D’EBOLEBOLA 1 SERPENT d’ABABITA 0. FC DEUX ZÉRO DE MENGONG 2 FOUDRE DE MINLAMIZIBI 0. USA D’ABIETE 0 FEK NE FI DE MVANGUE 0. AKOMESSING 1 FC ETONDO 2.

The day continued with the first outing of the « Evening Village » series, hosted by the Yekombo people of Doungou. For over two hours on the clock, they kept the numerous spectators on their toes with a wide variety of activities.Traditional dances, tales and proverbs, a presentation of the genealogy of the Yekombo clans of Doungou and a lecture on the Bulu language.The evening concludes with entertainment and competitions.#TheBelingaFoundation#Biasomengong2024